Tuesday, September 9, 2008

From Old Blog (June 22, 2006)

This is From My other blog.... i just wanted to move it over here.... so i could delete the old one....
But i hope you like it
(its a poem if you can't tell)
"Of all the Beauty"
I look up into the stars,
Into the black void above,
And I miss you.
I climb over mountains and cross through valleys
Through nature’s ancient foundation,
And I miss you.
I walk through forests and pass through fields,
And I see their seasons of life
And I miss you.
I walk through the storm, drift through the snow
And stand in the rain
And I miss you.
I watch the sunrise and the sunset
Watching fire and hope rise with the day
And I miss you.
I see the clouds assemble, viewing them across the horizon,
And watch heaven’s rays singing songs of angels
And I miss you.
And now I’ve seen beauty
The wonders of the sky,
And the ages of the earth
The tenderness of the land
And the seasons of it’s life.
I’ve seen the stillness of the snow,
Felt the chill of the mist
The gentle of the rain,
The peace of the storm
And I’ve witness the rising of the sun with joy,
And the setting of the sun with fire,
And the mercies poor out from heaven!
And it is beautiful to me..
But I miss you,
And I miss you,
And I miss you

Just one more...
Just FYI there is no relation to any "guy" i just liked how the words flowed

When I talked to you last night
I learned about your grief & pain
I learned the story of your life
and how you have changed
I tell you to go see people
When I want you to stay here
I tell you to have a good time
when in my heart I fear...
That your gonna find someone else
Someone crazy, someone new
I'm afraid that before to long
I'm gonna lose You
I believe that we are sent here
To find someone who
We can spend forever with
And I believe that some one is you
When I talk to you
I want to tell you
But it's so hard to do
So I wrote this thing
To tell you I long
To be with you
And I want you to know
No matter where I go
There will always be a place for you

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